There are tons of mindset shifts out there that will bring you closer to your ideal life. First, let’s walk through the typical process of goal achievement and how altering your mindset can shift the entire process for you.

Us idealists start envisioning our goals the same way – by whipping out a pair of rose-tinted glasses and securing them to our faces.

When it comes to your #1 dream, you start out with big visions, high hopes, and that all too familiar burning passion that’s impossible to ignore.

Then, as the momentum starts rolling, your attention diverts. First, just a little. Before you can even blink again, the dream is indefinitely tucked away for “tomorrow”. So you think, “I have the rest of my life to continue working on this, right?” Wrong. Label those thoughts as your fear-based habits. They love to step in and try to protect you from danger, but end up ruining your progress. Thankfully, simple awareness can completely shift your thought process surrounding your goals. Let’s learn how to say NO WAY to these setbacks that so frequently creep into our lives, once and for all.

Know: Mindset plays the absolute leading role in your goal achievement.

Mindset shifts are critical! How are you taking massive steps toward achieving your goals right now? Can you easily list the steps you plan on taking in between Point A and B?

Your key takeaway here is to Clearly define your goals and ideas.

By declaring your intention, the universe starts to conspire in your favor. If you feel like the world is conspiring against you, it’s time for some mindset shifts, STAT.

Example; You’ve tried planning out productive days before, yet once the day starts you then get pulled in a million different directions by distractions. At the end of the day, you’ve crossed one thing off your to-do list, if that. You’re stuck in an endless cycle of minimal results.

You’re about to throw in the towel on creating your ideal life. Although you can easily visualize how beautiful your life will be, it seems so far ahead in the future that it’s almost discouraging. In our world of instant gratification, this is way more common than you think.

What’s important here?

4 Mindset Shifts you need to start TODAY:

1. Demolish all your hidden fears. You may have to dig them up from your childhood. You can trace almost every limiting belief in your life back to an instance between 0-7 years old. Oftentimes, if you cannot remember much, it’s due to trauma blocked from your memory. To release the fears you find, journal them out. Use EFT. Meditate with the intention for release. Talk about it with your coach or accountability partner.

2. Soften the grip on your goals. Do not lose sight of them, but release the belief of, “It’s too far out of reach” if it doesn’t happen in your ideal time frame. While the universe loves clarity, it also likes to surprise us with something better. Having too rigid of expectations can hurt our relationship with ourselves in the long run. Always remember persistence AND patience!

2. Take one or two small action steps toward your goal, every single day. Once you gain momentum, it’ll become second nature. In Tom Corley’s book, “Change Your Habits, Change Your Life,” he writes that eighty percent of the wealthy are “obsessed with pursuing goals,”. They refer to both daily and long-term goals on a regular basis.

3. Hold yourself accountable. Avoid victim mentality, and claiming you do not have enough time or resources to take one small step a day. Let this belief go, as it does not serve your greater good. There are positive thought patterns to replace it with! Check my blog post, “Affirmations for Success” for ideas.

4. Research productivity hacks. No two of us are the same, so it’s important to find something new that works for you. Experiment with Block Scheduling, timers, the Pomodoro method, or your own personalized hack combination. Increase your productivity and instantly feel that wonderful sense of accomplishment.

If you haven’t already, take your first action step NOW and come back to comment what it was. I’d love to hear about your success!