This will be a very bite-sized post, but in bold below are five reasons to encourage you to quit perfectionism ASAP. I understand it can be more complicated than just “stopping” a personality trait that you’ve had most of your adult life.

If I can offer the things that have personally helped me, maybe one will sound interesting to you. The modality I chose to overcome this was mindset work.

I forgave myself for all past, present, and future perfectionism. I used EFT to release the fears. I am a NLP practitioner student, and I used this training to “reframe” all of my fears to sound absolutely ridiculous (with love of course).

I also worked on accepting and honoring myself exactly how I am, perfectionism and all. This is important, because it’s much more difficult to hate away an aspect of ourselves, than to love and let go that aspect of us. I hope that makes sense. Without further ado, here are the ways your perfectionism is hindering your beautiful dreams from coming into fruition.

1. You are so afraid of being less than perfect, that you work yourself into the dirt.

2. You overthink and over-analyze the smallest of things that no one even notices.

3. You often wait for the ideal timing to start living your life.

4. Because you spent so much time on perfecting your masterpiece, the smallest bit of criticism can rip you apart.

5. You give up too easily when you feel inadequate or less than perfect.