Send a little compassion to the most important person in your life. 

They know you better than anyone, yet at times you still have doubts about trusting them. You frequently tend to forget how much of an impact they have on your life.

Yes, I’m talking about you! Self-love has been in the limelight lately, and for good reason. It is at the core of every relationship you’ve had in your life, every feeling you’ve experienced, and it guides you in more ways than we can humanly understand.

Have you ever heard the expression that life is like a mirror? I’d argue it’s one of the most powerful things to remember on the journey to self-love and acceptance. For example; You will continue attracting failed relationship after failed relationship if you don’t assess the inner situation. I’m talking childhood fears, inadequacies, and memories we may have subconsciously brought along with us into adulthood. Luckily, there are so many ways to clear them and start fresh. 

As humans, we spend way too much time in the external world attempting to change things, when the answers lie within ourselves. Spend time reflecting through journaling, recording or filming yourself, or meditation movement. Ask critical, thought provoking questions. Extra points if you do it as soon as you wake up in the morning, while your subconscious mind is still buzzing. Getting your unfiltered thoughts out encourages you to form a deeper relationship with yourself. You’ll be spending the rest of your life with you, so why not?