What is alignment? Simply put, alignment is when you are flowing With life, rather than swimming upstream. There are still challenges, but you allow yourself time to work through them with patience and love. You understand how to navigate the resistance because you’ve cultivated a forgiving mindset with yourself and others.
You realize what lesson the resistance is there to teach you. When the lesson is learned, you ease right back into divine alignment with your newfound growth from said resistance/challenge. If the lesson is not learned, you do not judge yourself. You let go and trust it will revisit you when you are ready.
How does one step into alignment?
1. IDENTIFY your struggles. Write out what your ideal life looks like in the present tense.
2. CULTIVATE the forgiving mindset mentioned earlier. Approach adverse situations without attachment, only understanding that they are there to teach you something about yourself and your life.
3. KNOW you are fully supported by the universe. Life is happening FOR you, AS you.
4. TAKE INSPIRED ACTION. Follow the joy, the bliss, the fun. Take actions that allow you to realize you enjoy the journey just as much as the destination.
We are here to expand and evolve. You are the universe expressing itself, so stepping into your greatest expression IS alignment.
You are being led towards your divine path that you are meant to walk in this life. Once you wake up to this, life becomes less of a push/pull. It becomes more of a flow.
The universe wants you to have everything you desire. It is cheering you on while giving you experiences that it knows you will evolve from to get there. Keep on expanding, enjoy the journey, and namaste!

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