The traditional seven chakra system is one way to better understand the connection between your spiritual body and physical body.
Contrary to popular western belief, chronic issues originate outside of our physical body. They begin in our auric field, or spiritual body, and can eventually manifest as physical symptoms.
Clearing old, stagnant emotions and energy from our auric field can;
1. Improve existing physical symptoms⠀
2. Prevent physical symptoms from manifesting
3. Prime us to establish new mental and behavioral patterns
4. Improve our overall health and vitality⠀
5. And so much more! ✨
How amazing is the universe we live in? This is why energy work is so important as a healing and preventative practice. 🧚‍♀️⠀

The root chakra is the foundation upon which we build our lives.
It is associated with survival, security, safety, basic needs, physicality, and grounding.
It represents TRUST VS MISTRUST, and asks the question, “Do I belong here?”.
When we are unbalanced in this chakra, we are held back by fear and trauma.
When we are balanced in this chakra, we feel grounded, safe, and courageous.
What is your favorite way to ground yourself and/or find balance?

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