Find the things that light you up, excite you, and leave you in a state of joy – this will lead you to your sacred calling. The Universe is a highly intelligent system; when we follow our instincts, our callings… we link ourselves back into this system. This is how synchronicities occur.⠀⠀

When our energy is in alignment with the Universe, we become aware of these synchronicities. We see the angel numbers, we run into strangers twice, opportunities will seemingly fall into our lap.

It is a beautiful web we wove for ourselves because we anticipated our need for guidance.

Desires are never random.


They serve as your roadmap to step back into alignment, to step back into the Universe’s system that was designed to expand you. When we look deeper into our material desires and what they may mean on a metaphysical level, we open more channels for these desires to reach us.

For example, if we are desiring money, metaphysically this may mean we want freedom and security. We may want to feel these feelings because they expand us in some way or lead us down a path to our sacred calling.

Some may never fulfill their sacred calling in this life because they limit their perspective on what their desires may truly mean.

They could be stuck in three-dimensional thought, thinking money will equal happiness. This is never the case, and they become lost by desiring more and more money… When their soul truly wants freedom.

Or maybe their soul wants to feel secure, and exorbitant amounts of money (a material object) will not sustain that feeling in the long term. What will, is finding security within – from a metaphysical level rather than physical.

When we uncover this feeling even without the material being present, the Universe likes to reinforce this feeling with the material. It is not the other way around in the fifth dimension. Metaphysical first, material next – and we must bring our focus back to the feeling whenever we disconnect. Which we will.

Life is a constant game of re-remembering and expanding.


The game of Life started from a speck of consciousness, now look at how far we’ve come (this go-around).

Once we understand this, we can certainly open ourselves to material things we may desire, with the understanding that we must also satiate ourselves metaphysically. In harmony with the Universe’s system/web that we designed.

When faced with a decision, how do we know which is in higher alignment for us? Which allows us to recognize our inherent power and potential? Which decision allows us to trust wholeheartedly?

Imagine the most beautiful train being placed back on its tracks – there are infinite split tracks, but all have the same destination in this lifetime. When our train falls off the tracks, we feel lost, stagnant, even ill.

When our train is back on the tracks? Alignment and harmony.

Side story:  I decided to explore the depths of my mind with sacred intention to bring in this New Year. What I eventually observed, was how flora and fauna are always in alignment with the system. I heard the messages of crickets speaking in code to each other – this showed itself to me as a light grid of messages. As the cricket on the right spoke, the grid of lights conveyed a code. The cricket on the left spoke, and the code on the left lit up in a parallel sequence. The crickets taught me to be grounded, and nurture my gifts rather than silence them. I next observed a hawk as it flew a synchronized path above my tent, communicating to me that similar to him, I was also a vital part of the system. He reminded me of perception, power, and vision. 2021 will be a year of us falling back into the system we designed. Falling back into our truth. This may cause turmoil, but we must remember that once our train is on the tracks, full speed ahead. We have been preparing for this. Those who are not ready to surrender and trust will experience the most resistance. Allow this story to serve as a reminder for us to know how vital we are to the system – from this point, we can unite and guide as many people to healing as possible.

There is nothing “wrong” with your desires.


I only share the following to show how our desires have deeper meanings, and at times it can help us release the constricting grip a desire may have on us. When we release any hyper-attachment/addiction to our desires, our soul can more easily invite in clarity and peace.

We open our sight to where our desires are leading us.

Attachment to Money –> desire to feel secure and free, conscious or subconscious concern to provide for future generations.⠀⠀⠀

Attachment to Love –> desire to reflect own love back to self. All relationships are mirrors, desiring love is to desire to re-connect with self-love and forgotten aspects of self

Attachment to Power –> feels powerless and doesn’t trust self. Desire for others to believe in power in order to convince self that it is indeed powerful. Endless cycle unless one feels inner sovereignty and completeness within

Attachment to Physical Beauty –> may have not felt appreciated as a child for inner gifts. Desire to feel appreciated by outer gifts in order to feel validated for (likely forgotten) inner gifts

Attachment to Sex –> immense creativity and lifeforce energy, has not found true creative outlet. Energy is boiling up with nowhere to go or express itself. Desire for energy release, and/or to express self authentically and creatively

Attachment to Fame –> desire to be seen and feel important, means of expansion through external magnification (via other’s perception) and validation

All desires reside in the lower three chakras, which keep us in the physical realm. The key is to release addiction and attachment to your desires, not dismiss them entirely. Everything serves a purpose. Remember to hold compassion for self as you work through release and healing.

Let me hear your thoughts on this below👇❤️

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