Everything in our world is comprised of atoms. If you zoom in far enough into an atom, it disappears. It can no longer be classified as a solid, liquid, or gas – it now belongs to the realm of quantum mechanics.

I remember first hearing this in my college chemistry class. It had already been an emotional morning for me; the kind where I was allowing each thought to downward spiral. I began looking at my hand thinking, none of this is “real”. I touched the surface of the desk, wondering how my mind was perceiving this world as so material, when nothing was actually there.

This one thought spiraled, leading me to realize the universe was actually energetic in nature, and much more malleable than we were taught to believe.

Flash forward a couple of years to the day I began reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic” book. She mentioned how every word we speak and every thought we think becomes a “bubble”… One that exists energetically and impacts the world around us.

If my thoughts and words are also energy, how were they shaping the world I see?

This was the beginning of my deeper journey years ago. The time in which we awaken is dependent on many things; past lives where we learned many spiritual lessons, the challenges we grow through in this life, and/or our upbringing and childhood/ancestral wounds.

Side note : If we are currently going through a rough time, we are learning a wonderful lesson that will help us heaps not only in this lifetime, but in our future ones. We can thank the lesson for showing us what needs to be shown. Take it in. Allow it to help us spiral Up, building our resilience and courage.

Bringing it back to the disappearing atom. This proves all matter is energetic, our world is energetic.

Energy is not only what surrounds us, but what WE are comprised of entirely. We are high vibrational beings of energy floating and flowing in an energetic grid of infinite layers. Flowing means we are working With the beautiful energy within and around us, rather than against.

Nature is a prime example of this.

When we immerse ourselves in nature, we realign our energetic field with Flow.

We feel peaceful and balanced. We then leave nature, and since we are naturally adaptive and receptive beings, we may start to align ourselves with a denser energy grid. Perhaps one of resistance, rushing, and/or chaotic energy. We may feel a desire to go out in nature to find that flow again. Or, we may feel a desire to “fix” this energy with More from our external world… when what our soul is asking for is release, or Less.

This misalignment happens more easily when we are disconnected from our true nature. When we embody this (nature) inside, our perception shifts. We find the world working FOR us, as flow IS us. There is no separation.

This illusion of playing out our human lives like this (the resistance and the flow) relies on whether or not we choose to evolve.

We are learning, playing, realizing, and remembering – all to evolve. If we are resistant to evolution, we disconnect ourselves from tapping into this higher synchronization that is always there for us.

It is akin to stepping down rungs of a ladder that has paths branching off each rung. We may step down due to fear, then continue walking down a path that is still meant for us, but may have more lessons, challenges, and resistance scattered along the way.

These lessons help us feel confident, courageous, and resilient enough to step back onto the ladder and climb up a few rungs. The higher we climb, the closer we get to our ideal path.

The closer to we get to our truth. And here’s that word again: Flow.

This is not to say lesser feelings won’t happen if we are in the flow – rather, if we do not honor our innermost truth, we step out of flow. We are dynamic beings with dynamic emotions, we must honor the sacredness of this. If you feel yourself drifting, lost, or feeling tons of resistance and are unaware of why, tune back into yourself.

What do you need to activate your NATUREal healing response? Is there a truth about yourself you’re not seeing? Do you need clarity to move forward?

Being open with ourselves in what we need, accepting our evolution, and honoring our truth – this all can help us tune back in to re-become Flow itself.

Sending all the love,


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