This trip was special for two reasons. 1. It was my first trip out of the country, and 2. I experienced an unexpected shift in financial abundance almost immediately after I returned, thanks to some exercises from @denisedt book, #getrichluckybitch .
It was one of the first times I’ve tried implementing the LOA to receive money.
There I was, in the hot Jamaican sun journaling by the pool, having a lovely time because I’m a hermit opportunist (human design, anyone?).
One exercise in particular, Ho’noponopono, stuck with me and I still use it to this day. You’ve perhaps heard of it.
It’s the practice of forgiveness, also referred to as mental cleansing. It works to transmute negative energy using the following phrase;

“I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you”

I completed this exercise for the first time, and on my money beliefs. I didn’t take it too too seriously and went adventuring in beautiful Jamaica after.
Once I returned from vacation to my corporate job, I was promoted to my first salary position within the company – putting me at $20,000 extra yearly. I felt so grateful.
A reminder that abundance is often subjective and dependent on belief… I felt abundant earning 50k a year. My rent was cheap and I had little debt and bills. I had enough money to give to charity and experience “fine dining” regularly. I paid for reiki, massages, facials, courses, and events. All of this made me FEEL so abundant and thus, brought in more abundance.
In some situations, this amount does not stretch far. But in my case, I was abundant! I believe that because of this feeling and the inner work I was doing, unexpected extra money came easily to me. Especially when I would set an intention for it.
💰To sum it all up;
Heal and release your old beliefs surrounding money
Have fun, as this raises your vibration (which puts you in the receiving mode)
Feel abundant now
Know your worth
Set an intention for X amount of money

Here are a few of my favorite money affirmations: >> Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.
>> I handle massive success with grace.
>> I am aligned with the energy of abundance

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